The Past 5 Months in a Nutshell

From left to right: Leo Saruwatari, Justin Harris, Ben Edwards, John Bass, myself, and Ron Padalino.
I helped build a robot for a robotics competition as part of my senior design project (our team took 17th out of 33). I helped write a final report on said robot, specifically, about the electrical subsystem and how it could be improved in a future iteration of the robot design. Reports were written and turned in, exams were taken, a room was cleaned out, and a black robe with mortar board and orange tassel was worn. A cover letter was written, a resume was updated, and well over 70 jobs have been applied to (no bites just yet). Future projects were conceived and committed to paper, but are nowhere near finished (more on them later). My amplifier is still in pieces, but I think I solved the problem with its ever-blowing fuses (I think the wiring in my old dorm room was bad). I think I know where the hum on the left channel is coming from, but it requires a new PCB to be built. If you are still wondering if I will be making extra boards available, I’m still considering it. I just want to have my amp working flawlessly first. Finally, I’ve moved in with my parents as I search for my first job.
So, quite a bit happened there. Some of it I will be elaborating on further in later posts (the robot project, for instance). The website is in need of updating and there is not much else I can do given my current position. Keep an eye on Gilberti Industries. With luck, I can get myself into a post a week habit.